Privacy Notice
Name and contact data of Data Controller
Name of Data Controller: Cseppke Hungary Kft (hereinafter referred to as: Data Controller)
Mailing address of Data Controller: Laár Györgyi 2517 Kesztöl, Klastrompuszta 001611
E-mail address of Data Controller:
The legal background, legal basis, and the purpose of the data processing performed on the website, the scope of the processed personal data, and the duration of the data processing Information on the use of cookies what is a cookie?
The Data Controller uses so-called cookies when you visit the website. A cookie is an information package made up of letters and numbers, which is sent by our website to your browser with the aim to save certain settings, to facilitate the use of our website, and to assist collecting certain relevant statistical information on our visitors. Cookies do not contain any personal information and they are not suitable for identifying individual users. Cookies often contain a personal identifier - a confidential, randomly generated string of numbers - that is stored on your device. Some cookies will expire after you close the site, while some others will be stored on your computer for an extended period of time.
The legal background and the legal basis of cookies:
Act CVIII of 2001 on the Right of Informational Self-determination and on Freedom of Information (Freedom of Information Act), and Act CVIII of 2001 on Certain Issues of Electronic Commerce Services and Information Society Services. Pursuant to point a) of Paragraph (1) of Section 5 of the Freedom of Information Act, the legal basis of data processing is your consent.
The main attributes of the cookies used for the website:
Google Adwords cookies When someone visits the website, the visitor’s cookie-identifier is added to the remarketing list. Google uses cookies - for example NID and SID cookies - in Google products, such as for customizing ads displayed in Google Search. Such cookies are used, for example, to remember your most recent searches, previous interactions with ads or search results to some advertisers, as well as your visits to advertiser websites. AdWords conversion tracking attribute uses cookies. In order to track sales from advertising conversions, it saves cookies to the user's computer when the visitor clicks on an ad. Some common applications of cookies: selecting advertising based on what's relevant to a user, improving reports on the performance of campaigns, avoiding ads that have been viewed by the specific user.
Google Analytics cookie: Google Analytics is Google's analytics tool to assist website and application owners to understand the activity of their visitors. The service may use cookies to collect information and create reports using the statistical data on the use of the website without identifying individual visitors to Google. The main cookie used by Google Analytics is "__ga" cookie. In addition to reporting website usage statistics with Google Analytics - along with some of the advertising cookies described above - it can also be used to show more relevant ads in Google properties (like Google Search) and across the Internet.
Cookies strictly necessary for the operation of the website: these cookies are essential for the use the website, and allow you to use the basic functions of the website. Without them many of the features of the website will not be available to you. The lifetime of these type of cookies is limited to the duration of the session.
Cookies used for improving user experience: These cookies collect information on how the user uses the website, for example, which pages you visit most often, or what error messages you get on the website. These cookies do not collect information suitable for identifying the visitor; that is, they use very general, anonymous information. The data obtained in this way are used for improving the performance of the website. The lifetime of these types of cookies is limited to the duration of the session.
Session cookie: these cookies store the visitor's location, the language of the browser, and the currency of any payment; they expire when your browser is closed, but within no more than 2 hours.
Last viewed product cookie: it records the products last viewed by the visitor. Expiration: 60 days.
Last viewed category cookie: records the category last viewed. Expiration: 60 days.
Priority products cookie: the 'Recommend to Friend' function records the list of products offered. Expiration: 60 days.
Mobile version, design cookie: detects the device used by the visitor, and switches to full screen mode for mobile devices. Expiration: 365 days.
Cookie acceptance cookie: when you first open the page, the declaration on accepting cookies is accepted in the pop-up window. Expiration: 365 days.
Shopping cart cookie: records the product placed in the shopping cart. Expiration: 365 days.
Currency cookie: stores the currency used by the consumer. Expiration: 30 days.
Facebook pixel (Facebook cookie) A Facebook pixel is a code used for creating a report on website conversions, target audiences can be assembled, and the website owner receives a detailed analysis of data on the use of the website by visitors. Facebook retargeting pixel displays - using tracking pixel - personalized offers and ads for the website visitors on the Facebook platform. The Facebook retargeting list is not suitable for identifying individuals. For further information on Facebook pixel please click here:
In case you do not accept the use of cookies, certain features will not be available for you. For more information on deleting cookies please see the following links:
Data processing related to ordering and billing
Legal background and legal basis of data processing:
Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-determination and the Freedom of Information (Freedom of Information Act) and Act C of 2000 on Accounting (Accounting Act) provide the legal background of data processing. The legal basis of data processing is - pursuant to point a) of Paragraph (1) of Section 5 of the Freedom of Information Act - your consent, and - in case of withdrawal of your consent - fulfilling the legal obligations of the Data Controller set out in the Accounting Act on the basis of Paragraph (5) of Section 6 of the Freedom of Information Act.
Purpose of data processing:
Fulfilling the obligation to issue invoices and retain accounting documents as required by legislation. Pursuant to Paragraphs (1)-(2) of Section 169 of the Accounting Act, economic entities are required to retain accounting documents directly and indirectly supporting the bookkeeping accounts.
Scope of the processed data:
Name, address, e-mail address.
Duration of data processing:
Pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Section 169 of the Accounting Act, the invoices issued shall be retained for 8 years following the issuance of the invoice. Please note that in case you withdraw your consent to issuing such invoice, pursuant to point a) of Paragraph (5) of Section 6 of the Freedom of Information Act, the Data Controller shall be entitled to retain your personal information - collected during issuing the invoice - for eight years.
Data processing related to the shipment of goods
Legal background and legal basis of data processing:
Provisions of Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-determination and the Freedom of Information (Freedom of Information Act). The legal basis of data processing is - pursuant to point a) of paragraph (1) of section 5 of the Freedom of Information Act - is your consent.
Purpose of data processing:
In case of the shipment of goods, the purpose of data processing is to deliver the goods to you with the involvement of our contracted partner, according to your needs.
Scope of the processed data:
Name, address and telephone number).
Duration of data processing:
The Data Controller shall process the data until the ordered goods are delivered.
Data processing related to sending newsletters
Legal background and legal basis of data processing:
Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-determination and the Freedom of Information (Freedom of Information Act) and Act XLVIII of 2008 on the Basic Requirements and Certain Restrictions of Commercial Advertising Activities (Commercial Advertising Act). The legal basis of data processing is - pursuant to point a) of paragraph (1) of section 5 of the Freedom of Information Act and paragraphs (1)-(2) of section 6 of the Commercial Advertising Act - is your consent.
Purpose of data processing:
The purpose of data processing is to inform you about the latest and best offers and promotions. Please note that not only the ads of the Data Controller, but the ads of other companies are also placed in the newsletter; however, your personal data will not be provided to them or transferred to them.
Scope of the processed data:
Name, address, e-mail address, telephone number.
Duration of data processing:
Until consent is withdrawn by the Data Subject.
Data processing related to sending and displaying personalized ads
Legal background and legal basis of data processing:
Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-determination and the Freedom of Information (Freedom of Information Act) and Act XLVIII of 2008 on the Basic Requirements and Certain Restrictions of Commercial Advertising Activities (Commercial Advertising Act). The legal basis of data processing is - pursuant to point a) of paragraph (1) of section 5 of the Freedom of Information Act and paragraphs (1)-(2) of section 6 of the Commercial Advertising Act - is your consent.
Purpose of data processing:
The purpose of data processing is to provide you with personalized offers matching your needs and preferences.
Scope of the processed data:
Name, address, e-mail address, telephone number.
Duration of data processing:
Until consent is withdrawn.
Data processing related to registration
Legal background and legal basis of data processing:
The background of legal processing is provided by Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-determination and the Freedom of Information (Freedom of Information Act) and Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (Civil Code). Pursuant to point a) of section (1) of article 5 of the Freedom of Information Act, the legal basis of data processing is your consent.
Purpose of data processing:
By storing your data provided at the time of registration, the Data Controller may provide you with more convenient service (e.g. at the time of repeated purchase, it is not necessary to enter the data of the data subject)
The range of the processed data:
During the data processing, the Data Controller shall process your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, as well as the features of the purchased product and the date of purchase.
Duration of data processing:
Until consent is withdrawn.
Further data processing
In cases where the Data Controller wants to further process your data, it shall provide you with prior information on any relevant circumstances of such data processing (legal background and legal basis of the data processing, the purpose of the data processing, the scope of the processed data and the duration of data processing).
You are hereby informed that the Data Controller is required to fulfil your written data requests based on statutory authority. In accordance with paragraphs (2)-(3) of section 15 of the Freedom of Information Act, the Data Controller shall keep a record (on which authorities were provided with what personal data, on what legal basis and when), and upon request, the Data Controller is required to provide information on such content, except when it is excluded by legislation.
On the involvement of the Data Processor, and its activity related to data processing
Data processing related to the storage of personal data
Name of the Data Processor: Bokor & Vizmeg GbR
Contact data of the Data Processor: Phone number: 0049/172 3 12 59 86, E-mail
The Data Processor processes the data on the basis of a written contract concluded with the Data Controller. It shall not be entitled to access personal data.
Data processing related to accounting
Name of the Data Processor: Ledger&Co Media Accounting Kft
Registered office of the Data Processor: 1131. Budapest, Násznagy u. 67
Phone number of the Data Processor: 06/30-530-39-70
E-mail address of the Data Processor:
On the basis of a written contract concluded with the Data Controller, the Data Processor assists the booking of the accounting documents. During such process, the Data Processor shall process the name and address of the data subject to the degree required for the accounting records, for a period specified by paragraph (2) of section 169 of the Accounting Act, and then erase them without delay.
Administration and website maintenance
Name of the data processor: SzGaBEn Kft
Mailing address of the Data Processor: Ásvány utca 62, HU-1173 Budapest
E-mail address of the Data Processor:
Data security measures
The Data Controller declares that it has appropriate security measures in place to ensure that personal data are protected from unauthorized access, alteration, transfer, disclosure, erasure or destruction, as well as accidental destruction and damage, or from modifications rendering the technique inaccessible.
Your rights related to data processing
During the period of the data processing you are entitled to the:
right to be informed, right to rectification, right to erasure, right to data blocking, right to object.
Within the period of the data processing, you may request information from the Data Controller on the processing of your personal data. The Data Controller shall - within the shortest possible time after submitting the request, but within no more than 25 days - inform you in a comprehensible form about the processed data, the purpose of the data, the legal basis, the duration of processing, and - in case such data are transferred - about the persons/entities the data are transferred to, or were transferred to.
You may, within the duration of the data processing request the Data Controller to rectify your personal information. The Data Controller shall respond to such requests within 15 days.
You may request the erasure of your personal data, which shall be performed by the Data Controller within 15 days. The right to erasure does not extend to cases where the Data Controller is required by legislation to further store the data, or to cases where the Data Controller is entitled to the further processing of the personal data pursuant to paragraph (5) of section 6 of the Freedom of Information Act (for example, in connection with issuing invoices).
You may request the Data Controller to block your personal data, if the erasure of such data would prejudice the legitimate interests of the data subject. Personal data blocked in this way may only be processed as long as the purpose of the data processing excluding erasure exists.
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, if the processing or transfer of personal data is required exclusively for fulfilling the legal obligation of the Data Controller, or for the enforcement of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller, the data recipient or a third party, except in the case of mandatory data processing, and in cases specified in paragraph (5) of section 6 of the Freedom of Information Act;
In case personal data are used or transferred - without your consent - for the purpose of direct marketing, public opinion poll or scientific research.
The Data Controller shall examine the protest as soon as possible after it was submitted, but within no later than 15 days; it shall make a decision on its grounds, and inform you about its decision in written form. If the Data Controller does not fulfil - in writing or by electronic means if approved by the data subject - the data subject’s request for correction, blocking or erasing within 25 days following the receipt of the request, the factual and legal causes of the disapproval of the request for correction, blocking or erasing shall be communicated.
Legal remedies
In case, in your opinion, the Data Controller is in violation of any statutory provisions on data processing, or failed to fulfil any of your requests, you may initiate the investigation procedure of the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority in order to eliminate such implied unlawful data processing (mailing address: P.O. Box: 5., HU-1530 Budapest, e-mail:
Please, also note that in the event of violating the statutory provisions on data processing, or if the Data Controller failed to fulfil any of your requests, you have the right to turn to court against the Data Controller.
Registration in the Data Protection Register
Pursuant to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the Data Controller is required to report some of its data processing activities to the data protection register.
Amending the Privacy Notice
The Data Controller reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice. You accept the modified Privacy Notice by using the service after the modification has taken effect.